
Make a donation.

Your gift helps fund critical discipleship, evangelism, and community building efforts.

How does my gift make a difference?

Since our new brand launch in 2023 we have:

  • 100+ new social media subscribers

  • 130+ new event attenders

  • 3.8k+ unique social media visitors with 60% residing in Richmond

  • 3.3k+ unique original content views

  • 185+ hours of  watch time

  • 530+ people participating in groups

To reach and serve as many people, groups, and churches as possible, we are intentionally making our cohorts, events, and discipleship framework available for free or a nominal fee.  We rely on your financial support to do so.   

Thank you to our Community Building Corporate Sponsors

More about giving.

Needle’s Eye Ministries, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. You can learn more about our non-profit status at

  • Bequest: While not surrendering immediate income or capital, a bequest can provide for the long term needs of Needle’s Eye while offering tax benefits which will minimize the ultimate cost to your heirs. A simple document can be added to your will that amends, rather than replaces, a previously executed will.

    Life-Income Gifts: These gifts provide income for you or a beneficiary, a tax deduction for you, and a gift for Needle’s Eye, while allowing an immediate charitable deduction on your income tax and avoidance or deferral of the capital gains tax on the appreciation.

    Life Insurance: There are many ways to make a gift with life insurance, providing an income tax deduction on the present value, or claiming continuing tax deductions, among other options.

    Please consult with your tax professional or contact our office (804) 358-1283 for more information.

  • With honor or memorial giving, you pay tribute to a friend or loved one with a gift that bears the name of the person you wish to honor. To make an honor or memorial gift online, please indicate in the “Comments” section the name of the person you wish to honor.

    For more information on honor or memorial giving, please contact our office (804) 358-1283.

  • Gifts of securities, held by you, your bank, or broker, offer significant tax advantages and are easy to make.

    Please call our office at (804) 358-1283 to set up a transfer.

  • For our “senior citizens “ who must take their required minimum distributions (RMD) from their IRA: You may instruct your IRA custodian to send some or all of your distributions to Needle’s Eye Ministries. The distribution would lower your adjusted gross income and would consequently lower your income taxes. In addition, for some tax payers, it could reduce the amount of your Medicare Part B insurance premiums for both you and your spouse. You can change the amount of your distribution annually.

    Please consult with your tax professional or contact our office (804) 358-1283 for more information.

Church partnership.

  • We strive to work with the local church and be a support to discipleship that is already taking place in congregations all around the city.

  • Our goal is to equip Christians to transform their workplaces by bringing their full faith with them to work.

  • In collaboration with pastors and ministry leaders, we provide biblical teaching on Faith and Work that fit your church’s schedule.