Discipleship @ Work

A 12-Session Journey by Needle’s Eye Ministries

Discipleship @ Work is a 12-session spiritual formation process that will help you more fully integrate your faith into your work.  Designed for a group and packed with discussion questions, journal reflections, and practical tools, Discipleship @ Work will help you experience new depth of relationship with God, uproot core identity issues that keep you from experiencing His love and power, and equip you to join Him in working toward the restoration of all things under His Lordship, starting with your workplace.

We want to empower you to make the difference that only you, with your unique and God-given influence & resources can make. You are moving the work of your hands from SCARCITY & CONTROL (what can I do?) to ABUNDANCE & FREEDOM (what can God do through me?)

Our desire is to help you move in your sense of purpose at work (how you make decisions, both moment-by-moment and the big picture of your career) by changing from a heart posture of ME & MINE to full alignment with HIM & HIS KINGDOM.

At Needle’s Eye we want to help you confidently live out the truth that you are WHOLLY (and holy!) HIS. We must move in our God-given identity from being SAVED, but still living in the old self, to living and working with a completely renewed mind.

Interested in Discipleship @ Work?

Spiritual Gifts Test

You will need a copy (digital or printed) of this test and your scores available for your next group session.

Feedback Form

If Discipleship @ Work helped you grow and you think it could help others, your feedback would be incredibly helpful!