Church Partnerships

We love supporting local churches in equipping and reaching people in the marketplace.  

As a parachurch ministry, we love supporting local churches in equipping and reaching people in the marketplace.  Our Discipleship @ Work materials are available to churches and small groups all over the city.  Our industry-based Cohorts (for those in the same job or industry to grow in Christ together over shared experiences) meet quarterly and are specifically designed not to compete with church small groups.  Our Mental Health Handbook was developed as a resource for local congregations.  We’d love to connect with your church!  

Needle’s Eye Cohorts

One of the unique ways Needle’s Eye serves the Body of Christ is by gathering believers together with others in their industry or profession to share the challenges and opportunities they have as Christians in that field.  These quarterly gatherings provide a significant opportunity for your congregants to deepen their commitment to being Christ’s ambassadors to their colleagues and clients.   To learn more or share with your congregants, please visit the link below.  To request fliers about these cohorts to share with your congregants, please let us know in the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Discipleship @ Work

Discipleship @ Work is a 12-session spiritual formation process that will help your church community more fully integrate their faith into their daily work.  Designed with church small groups in mind and packed with discussion questions, journal reflections, and practical tools, Discipleship @ Work will help your congregants experience new depth of relationship with God, uproot core identity issues that keep them from experiencing His love and power, and equip them to join Him in working toward the restoration of all things under His Lordship, starting with their workplaces.

Mental Health Handbook

In partnership with local mental health professionals, Needle’s Eye has developed this handbook as a resource and a conversation starter for you and your church as you seek to help hurting and struggling people, faithfully and effectively identifying where and how you can help, and when and how you can connect congregants to mental health professionals.  

To learn more or request a copy for your church’s leadership, contact us using the form below.

Current Church Partners

  • All Saints Episcopal

  • Area 10

  • Hill City Church

  • Hope Church

  • Mechanicsville Christian Church

  • St. Giles Presbyterian

  • St. Matthew's Episcopal

  • Stony Point Presbyterian Church

  • Third Church

  • West End Assembly of God

  • West End Presbyterian Church

Contact Form

We’re so glad you are interested in partnering with us. Please use the form below to inquire about any of our offerings or any questions you have. We look forward to hearing from you!